Habit coaching is currently offered virtually and is available to individuals in all states.

Habit Coaching for YOUR Health


An automatic reaction to a specific situation,
A regular tendency or practice,
Actions that are triggered automatically (in response to cues) that provide a reward

Research suggest that 40-50% of what we do each day is led by habitual behaviors !

We all have habits!

Behavioral science tells us that each habit we have serves us in some way, shape, or form. Depending on your goals and values, some of the habits that you have may be helpful, and some of them may be unhelpful.

Do you know how your habits are serving you?
Since it is estimated that possibly half or our actions each day are operating on auto-pilot, there is a good chance that because these are now operating out of a more "subconscious" place you are not even thinking about them.

But then one day, you might have an awakening of some sort. A loved one continues to ask why you continue to do a certain thing when they have asked you not to. Your goals and values take a turn in life and now you realize that what you were doing before, is not going to work to get you to where you now want to go. You try to make some changes. But darn is it hard to keep up with these changes! Why, oh why, is this so hard?

I am going to tell you a secret. Habits that last, are not formed by willpower. Are you interested in learning a new way my friend?

Let's face it, we all run out of steam eventually.

Who would benefit from Habit Coaching for Health?

Those who want lasting change in their lives, and who are willing to go slower and lower to gain more understanding about themselves.

Anyone looking to improve their health or overcome barriers to healthier living.  

Health may look different throughout the different stages and seasons of our life.  The beautiful thing about habit work is that it provide a framework that you can take into all seasons (and really in all ares) of YOUR life.

Habit coaching is a valuable tool for those who feel overwhelmed about where and how to start making changes, for those who have tried many times to make changes but have had little to no success with lasting change.  Habit coaching can be for those who are just starting out on a new journey, or for those who have been on a journey and want to fine tune things.  

What is Habit Coaching?

A space place where intentions are turned into actions.

A coaching process that helps you to build, change, or improve habits in your life, that offers you support, strategy, and accountability to make the process of lasting change possible.

How does Habit Coaching Help?

Provides personalized strategies, support, and accountability.

Habit coaching helps you get clear on (and identify) your current goals and values, gain awareness and understanding of the whys behind them, and then helps you to make the shift to breaking these goals down into bite size pieces and teaching you how to make those pieces a part of your daily routine.  A key to habits is to make them small and consistent.  This goes against the stream of our “want it now, bigger is better, no time to slow down” culture. 

Habit coaching is transformative work!  Though it is not magic.  If
anyone offers you the magic fix, you should probably find your way out

Here are some examples of what Habit Coaching for YOUR Health can look like...