


Empowering those with disordered eating and eating disorders to rebuild trust with their bodies and overcome fears around food and movement to rediscover, nourish, and nurture their authentic self.

Healing the disorder in your eating isn't easy, but it's possible.

As a registered dietitian and someone who is celebrating recovery from an eating disorder and unhealthy exercise, I understand both the grit and the gift of recovery.

If any of these thoughts are taking up too much of your mental space and life, you are NOT alone.

You + Your Body

You + Your Body

You + Your Body

You + Your Body

You + Food

You + Food

You + Food

You + Food

You + Movement

You + Movement

You + Movement

You + Movement

There is hope and healing for you to have a fuller life and more freedom living in the body you currently have, just as it is. I would be honored to be a guide to you on that journey.

I am so glad you are here.

There is a seat at the table, with your name on it, and you don't have to do anything to earn it... or keep it. Come sit for a while.

What Do You Struggle With?

In the Eating Disorder

In Disordered Eating

In Weight Cycling, Yo-Yo Dieting

In Body Image Perceptions

I help you on your journey
in 4 key areas

Individualized Nutrition Therapy


Spiritual Care

Community Support

Food, rules, body image, movement, physiology, digestion. We delve into your story.

Empower you and give you hope and evidence that you CAN learn and grow.

Inviting God into the journey with you.

We were created for connection.

Individualized Nutrition Therapy

Working together as a team

Hearing your story

All foods fit, none "diet" approach

Moderation, variety, and balance

Less black and white, more resiliency

Guidepost versus rules

Addressing and challenging food rules and the ED "voice"

Unpacking your "whys" and what may be behind them

Recovery has turns, hills, and bumps, it is not a strait path

Progress, not perfection!

girl, book, tea

Health at Every Size Approach

goal, door, freedom

Discovering how body shape and size don't define YOU

Learning to celebrate and appreciate body diversity

Exploring movement for fun, joy, and pleasure

Spiritual Care

Traveling with you on the journey to freedom

Embracing the healing journey, not just the destination

Learning to see the beauty along the path

Discovering the message of your own personal story within the "mess"

wood, tree, away

The Best Recovery is YOUR Recovery !

The Best Recovery is YOUR Recovery !

The Best Recovery is YOUR Recovery !

The Best Recovery is YOUR Recovery !

The Best Recovery is YOUR Recovery !

Telehealth and virtual appointments are available to those located in Colorado, California, Michigan, and Arizona.

Empower YOU Nutrition is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.