Healing the disorder in your eating isn't easy, but it's possible.
As a registered dietitian and someone who is celebrating recovery from an eating disorder and unhealthy exercise, I understand both the grit and the gift of recovery.
If any of these thoughts are taking up too much of your mental space and life, you are NOT alone.
You + Your Body
You + Your Body
You + Your Body
You + Your Body
- How much do I need to be eating?
- How much should I be eating?
- I don't feel hungry.
- I don't feel full.
- I feel uncomfortable when I feel full.
- I feel uncomfortable when I feel hunger.
- I feel as though my body has betrayed me.
- I have betrayed my body.
- I don't trust my body.
- I have abused my body so much, but don't know how to stop.
- I feel shame about my body.
- I have never liked my body.
- I don't know how to live in my body, I just want to escape.
- I have been told that my body is unacceptable since...
- I am afraid to eat ...
- I am so confused on what to eat ...
- I am not allowed to eat ...
- I was not allowed to eat ...
- If I eat that then ...
- If I give myself permission to eat that then ...
- We don't eat ___ in my family/home.
- I was told if I eat that then ...
- I was told that because I eat that I am ...
- I feel shame when I eat ___ and I ...
- I feel safe if I only eat ...
- I don't know what I like to eat ...
- I really like to eat ___ but I won't let myself.
You + Food
You + Food
You + Food
You + Food
You + Movement
You + Movement
You + Movement
You + Movement
- If I don't exercise then ...
- I don't know how to stop exercising.
- Exercising makes me feel safe.
- If I can't exercise, then I can't (or won't) ...
- I have to exercise so that I can ...
- I feel like I deserve food, only after I have earned it through exercise.
- I feel safe as long as I can exercise.
- I feel in control as long as I can exercise.
- The thought of exercising makes me shut down.
- Even if I wanted to do ___ (activity) I wouldn't because of my body size.
- I will never be able to do ___ because of my body size.
- I was told I could never ___ because of my body size.
There is hope and healing for you to have a fuller life and more freedom living in the body you currently have, just as it is. I would be honored to be a guide to you on that journey.
I am so glad you are here.
There is a seat at the table, with your name on it, and you don't have to do anything to earn it... or keep it. Come sit for a while.
What Do You Struggle With?
In the Eating Disorder
In Disordered Eating
In Weight Cycling, Yo-Yo Dieting
In Body Image Perceptions
Cycles of or constant restricting, binging, purging
Food rules, fears, obsessions, anxieties
- Social eating
Having a sufficient and balanced intake from a variety of foods -
Strong inner critic that measures self-worth by performance or perfectionism in regards to food, body image, or movement -
Some (or all) of these impairing your daily functioning
Being able to eat what you really want to, but are afraid because you may have been told not to eat certain foods (and are now confused) -
Limiting eating to certain times of the day, certain meals, or certain foods - Avoiding certain food groups
Frequent dieting or new "food plans" -
Being out of touch with hunger/fullness and likes/dislikes -
Assigning foods a moral value of "good" or "bad"
Continually searching for that one diet that will finally work for you
Constantly telling yourself that if you just tried harder and did better this time things would be different
Feeling like a disappointment or a failure
- Putting life on hold until you are a certain weight or size
Over evaluating your worth and acceptability based on your physical appearance -
Under appreciating the function of your body -
Constant comparison and/or criticism throughout the day
A limited or skewed view of what an acceptable body "should" look like
Body focus is taking up too much head space
Over emphasis or focus on certain parts of the body
I help you on your journey
in 4 key areas
Individualized Nutrition Therapy
Spiritual Care
Community Support
Food, rules, body image, movement, physiology, digestion. We delve into your story.
Empower you and give you hope and evidence that you CAN learn and grow.
Inviting God into the journey with you.
We were created for connection.
Individualized Nutrition Therapy
Working together as a team
Hearing your story
All foods fit, none "diet" approach
Moderation, variety, and balance
Less black and white, more resiliency
Guidepost versus rules
Addressing and challenging food rules and the ED "voice"
Unpacking your "whys" and what may be behind them
Recovery has turns, hills, and bumps, it is not a strait path
Progress, not perfection!

Health at Every Size Approach

Discovering how body shape and size don't define YOU
Learning to celebrate and appreciate body diversity
Exploring movement for fun, joy, and pleasure
Spiritual Care
Traveling with you on the journey to freedom
Embracing the healing journey, not just the destination
Learning to see the beauty along the path
Discovering the message of your own personal story within the "mess"